Shiplap + Sage

Garner, NC 27525
(919) 435-2328
  • About

    At Shiplap + Sage, we make all-natural, custom-blended fragrance products to capture the essence of each season.

    Our scents are custom-blended by our co-founder and chief maker, Melinda.

    We are committed to making lovely AND health-conscious candles and fragrance products, but this is only the beginning.

    We love a small town, but we've seen what happens when a small town loses its identity and gets swallowed up by the neighboring big city.

    At Shiplap + Sage, we are dedicated to helping small towns preserve their charm - caring for your neighbors, shopping & supporting your local businesses, and keeping your towns and people safe so that families can put down roots & raise their kids there.

    We believe that we can be a part of rekindling that small-town community spirit by stocking Shiplap + Sage products in local shops & boutiques and encouraging our customers to shop at those local brick-and-mortar locations, rather than online.

    At Shiplap + Sage, we're not leaving our homes & families to create our products - we’re offering to share our homes & families with you - that place where we nurture our babies, celebrate the simple beautiful moments, and where everyone is welcomed, loved, and fed!

    We really do mean it when we say, “from our family to yours,” and it’s what inspires all that we do.

    You can read more about us & our story here:

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